How To Reach shegaon
Mandir Buses |
In Maharashtra State, the holy
town Shegaon is in Buldana district located 16 km away from NH-6
(Via-Khamgaon). Nearest airports are Nagpur and Aurangabad at 5 hours
distance. Itis is well connected to almost all the places by road, railways and
by air. Shegaon is A-class station of central railway located on Mumbai- Nagpur
track where almost all the trains have halted at shegaon (with the exception of
superfast trains like Okhapuri, Prerana, and deluxe Dnyaneshwari).
Air Route : -
- Delhi - Mumbai - Aurangabad, Banglore- Mumbai-Aurangabad (nearest airport) Shegaon is 225 Kms.
About 4hours trains journey from Nagpur - Delhi-Nagpur, Chennai-Nagpur, and Kolkata- Nagpur. Shegaon is 300 Kms.
About 6 hours by road or 4.30 hours trains journey from Nagpur.
Railway Route:-
- Delhi- Bhusawal and Banglore- Bhusawal; Shegaon is 120 Kms. About 3 hours road or trains journey from Bhusawal
- Mumbai- Bhusawal - Shegaon (towards Nagpur).
- Kolkatta- Nagpur- Shegaon (towards Mumbai/Ahmedabad)
- Chennai-Nagpur-Shegaon (towards Mumbai/Ahmedabad)
Road Route:-
- Bhusawal - Shegaon(120 Kms 3 hours journey)
- Aurangabad-Shegaon(225Kms 4 hours journey)
- Nagpur-Shegaon(300 Kms 6 hours journey)